Local Rules Hilversumsche Golf Club

Out of bounds is defined by fences or by white stakes with a white top.

No play zones. Any area defined by blue pins or blue stakes, young trees identified by orange labels and/or support stakes, any area defined by a movable fence for containing sheep (with or without sheep present) as well as wintergreens defined by a blue stake in the hole, are each a no play zone that is treated as an abnormal course condition. Relief must be taken from interference by the no play zone under Rule 16.1f.

All roads and paths on the course, even if not artificially-surfaced, are treated as immovable obstructions, from which free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1.

Patches of artificial grass on the 7th and 17th green are immovable obstructions, from which free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1d.

immovable obstructions close to the green. Relief from interference by an immovable obstruction may be taken under Rule 16.1.The player may also take relief under Rule 16.1b if an immovable obstruction is (1) on the line of play, and is (2) on or within two club-lengths of the putting green, and (3) within two club-lengths of the ball. But complete relief must be taken, which includes both physical and line of play interference. There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.


Temporary Local Rules

Flooded bunkers: Bunkers marked with a blue pin or stake are ground under repair in the general area. They are not treated as bunkers during the round. The player may take free relief under Rule 16.1b. All other bunkers, whether they contain temporary water or not, are still bunkers for all purposes under the Rules.

Droppingzones hole 9 and 18: If a player’s ball is in temporary water behind the putting green on hole 9 or around the putting green on hole 18, including when it is known or virtually certain to be in that temporary water even though not found, the player may take free relief (1) under Rule 16.1, or, as an extra option, (2) by dropping the original ball or another ball in the dropping zone, that is one clublength in all directions, measured from all corners of the sign marking the dropping zone. The dropping zone is a relief area under Rule 14.3.


The two following Temporary Local Rules only apply when a sign on the board (situated near the teeing area of the first hole) indicates ‘Lift & clean’ or ‘Plaatsen’.


Lift and clean. When a player’s ball lies in the general area cut to fairway height or less, the ball may be lifted, cleaned and replaced without penalty. The player must mark the spot of the ball before lifting it (see Rule 14.1) and the ball must be replaced on its original spot (see Rule 14.2).

Plaatsen (preferred lies). When a player’s ball lies in the general area cut to fairway height or less, the player may take free relief once, by placing the original ball or another ball within 15 cm, not closer to the hole. In proceeding under this Local Rule, the player must choose a spot to place the ball and use the procedures for replacing a ball under Rules 14.1, 14.2b(2) and 14.2e.

 Penalty for a breach of a Local Rule: the general penalty.

For questions regarding these Local Rules, please refer to the Rules- and Handicap Committee.
Trudy Jonkman:                                 +31 6 14 60 23 43 or
Vivian van Ravenswaay Claasen:   +31 6 31 02 86 00.

Latest update July 27 2024